In this episode of Chan with a Plan, Max Speaks with Priya Sam, keynote speaker, executive presentation coach & keynote consultant and podcast host.

In this conversation, Priya discusses how she made a career change from journalism into tech consulting and how she was able to leverage her existing skills in journalism and public speaking to make that leap. 


“I've talked to dozens of people. I applied for dozens of jobs. I mean, this one felt like the right fit, but I think so many things need to fall into place. You know, it's like you need the right fit. You need someone who's willing to take a chance on someone with a different background.”
“I found that really being vulnerable with the people around me, as hard as it was sometimes it was so helpful because on the times when I didn't ask for help, that's when it took me so much longer to figure something out.”
“The other thing that helps is just practicing in front of your family, in front of your friends, just record yourself. Watch yourself back, look at things or listen for words that maybe are your crutch words that you repeat over and over again. Those are things that I think can be really helpful as you're getting started.”



[01:04] Priya’s journey
[02:45] Getting over the fear of speaking
[03:57] Recommendations to be a better speaker
[07:38] Getting into show business
[11:17] Making sacrifices without burning out
[16:40] Taking steps to get into tech
[22:52] Finding the right transferable skills
[24:46] Trials and tribulations of journalism
[31:41] Finding transferable skills for tech
[32:56] Starting a podcast
[35:38] One big career challenge for Priya



Priya Sam on Social Media:Website

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