In this episode of Chan with a Plan, Max Speaks with Amita Kumar, a mindset coach.

During this conversation Amita discusses how to improve your mindset, be more authentic, and overcoming limiting beliefs.


“Most of our opportunities if just work hard enough here, you can get to wherever you need to go, right? Like it's not so much about corruption and who you know, et cetera, but I think that it's easy to compare ourselves. I guess that's the bottom line.”
“Do not try to fight the current. If you feel that you're in a rip current, wait, breathe, and float. Let it take you and then float out of it.”
“I'm doing it from a place of want. I want instead of I should. And if I've learned anything in the last year, it's that there's such an important role for your own thoughts and your own self-talk.”



[01:42] Getting into mindset coaching
[04:24] Showcase your authentic self
[11:45] Gratitude
[14:19] Learning to go with your intuition
[18:16] Overcoming fears
[21:55] Being open minded
[27:42] Limiting Beliefs
[36:41] Taking uncomfortable action
[40:13] Finding your people



Amita Kumar on Social Media:LinkedIn

Chan With A Plan
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