Afdhel Aziz is our guest on Champions of Change.

He is one the world's leading experts on brand purpose, marketing innovation and how business can be a force for good. Based in Los Angeles, California. 

He is also Founder and Chief Purpose Officer at Conspiracy of Love, a social impact consultancy that advises Fortune 500 companies like Adidas, Sonos, Bacardi, Mars and Coty how to 'make money AND do good by harnessing the power of cool.'

Following a life-changing moment when he experienced the devastating effects of the South Asian tsunami in his native Sri Lanka, he embarked on a journey to explore inspiring work.

This lead to his first book 'Good is the New Cool : Market Like You Give a Damn' (co-authored by Bobby Jones) which explored the link between purpose and success in companies like Warby Parker, Zappos and Citibank.

He realized that he had a burning desire to be of service to companies looking to unleash the power of purpose, which led to him quitting his job in corporate life and touring the world as a professional speaker and consultant, and speaking to tens of thousands of people around the world from New York to Stockholm to Mexico.

It also lead to him setting up a brand purpose consultancy, Conspiracy of Love, which has advised Fortune 500 companies like Adidas, Sonos, Bacardi, Mars and Coty on how use the power of purpose to connect with Millennial and Gen-Z audiences.