Text Us Your Marketing & Sales Questions

Finally, the official relaunch of the Start With Occupancy podcast.  

Happy New Year!!!  What's does 2024 look like for us?  Well, I am still dedicated to serving senior living owners, operators, and sales professionals. 

What can you expect out of the podcast this year?  

Insightful advice – from useful sales and marketing tips to leadership concepts – all aimed at inspiring change, impacting lives, and improving outcomes for the aging and their families. 

Through a series of case studies, quick tips, candid exchanges, and motivational segments, I plan to help you navigate the challenges that come with the owning, operating, and selling senior care services.  I am commitment to equipping you with the right tools and resources to excel in your businesses, starting with the new accelerator program (Compass Rose XL), the new mentorship website (Start With Occupancy), and the FREE mentorship group on Facebook (Start With Occupancy - A Mentorship Community).  Join me in making a difference in the lives of seniors, their families, and your business.

00:00 Introduction and Welcome

00:10 My Journey and Mission

01:39 New Year, New Beginnings

01:58 Lessons from 2023: The Power of Pivoting

02:30 Setting the Scene for 2024

07:52 The Importance of Listening to Your Customers

11:33 Overcoming Perfectionism and Making Quick Decisions

14:27 What to Expect in 2024: Case Studies and Quick Tips

16:22 Introduction to 'Raising the Bar' and 'Thrive in Five'

16:43 Engaging with the You: Q&A Sessions

16:55 Join the Facebook Group: Start With Occupancy

17:49 The Mindset of a Business Owner

18:17 Overcoming Self-Doubt and Achieving Success

20:52 The Importance of Asking Questions

23:24 The Power of Collaboration and Helping Others

25:21 The Goal: Helping 30,000 Families

26:30 The Importance of Persistence and Progress

28:20 Introducing the New Website: Start With Occupancy

30:28 Future Plans

Want more? Tips, workshops and trainings are available to you!

Join the Facebook Group for FREE monthly trainings . Click Here For FB Page Subscribe to the Start With Occupancy YouTube channel to interact with me on weekly live chats and ask questions in real-time Click Here For YT Page Join the Compass Rose XL accelerator program for monthly personalized in-depth training, networking, and mentoring opportunity to take your business to the next level Click Here For More Information Bookmark the Impact Hub website to your browser for continual update for ALL downloadable resources and updates for FREE workshops available to you. Click Here For Start With Occupancy website.

Don't forget to subscribe/follow the podcast for new release alerts and share it with others. Together, we can Inspire Change, Impact Lives, and Improve Outcomes!