"Everything I believed about drug prohibition was wrong. My violent actions enforcing those laws harmed others and injured my own moral fiber."

That tweet sits pinned to the top of former South Carolina police officer turned Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) Member, Raeford Davis. In this compelling podcast, Raeford takes us on his journey as a boy growing up in a conservative South Carolina christian home, to achieving his dream of being a police officer following drug laws as they are written, to recognizing his own moral authority and letting it guide him to a better life. Raeford is now dedicated to helping other officers who have been used as instruments in the drug war which not only hurt others, but themselves in the process.

Glen also contributes his own experiences on being a treatment provider and the tie in of treatment to the criminal justice system. We also discuss Dr. Carl Hart’s book High Price and the alternatives it offers. It's healing for all those that suffer as a result of the drug war on The Addictive Podcast.


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