I've been a Zombie student. Trust me. It sucks. Now, I'm back from the dead to save you from yourself. So, why do zombies have a beef with the living? Because the living are living the life zombies don't have. And why do the living have a beef with the dead? Because the zombies want to keep the living from living. Duh.

In the movies, it's all about surviving. School feels that way too, doesn't it? But aren't you tired of just surviving? Wouldn't you rather thrive and stop being a Zombie student? Join me in this 8-series episode. Okay I lied. It's not really 8 episodes. I just took an hour long episode and chopped it into bite size pieces (like a zombie would) so that you won't zonk out like a zombie and stop paying attention. Trust me. Don’t skip around. Each episode builds on the previous episode. If you skip around, I'm sending the Whisperers to come get you. No joke.

Parental discretion is advised. Translation. If you are not at least in High School, go to bed and stop listening. This is for big boys and girls only. And if you get bad dreams after listening to this series, you've been warned.