Samantha Sommelier is well, just that, a certified SOMM. And today, she and I had such a fun conversation talk about two of my favorite things, business and BOOZE. Sam started her business at just 23 years old and has built it into a thriving in-home wine tasting and wine club venture. We talk about the rise of the wine industry and wine becoming a part of pop culture, as well as the constant paranoia we face as entrepreneurs, always asking ourselves, “Am I doing enough? Am I making enough?”


We also talk about:

Struggling through an inconsistent income to a steady one Choosing the right alcohols for the right environments and why this can lead to a bad experience with wine How she manages the wine consumption between her personal and professional lives Everyone's paths are so different but society’s expectations are so high It’s OK not to have a “Marie Kondo”’d life The never failing imposter syndrome


Drink of the Week:



Get more Cha Cha Sips @chanelsonego!


Get in touch with today’s guest:

Instagram: @samanthasommelier Website:


Cha Cha Sips is edited by Nikki Butler Media.