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Turning Defeat into Victory: Committed To Win

May 26, 2021 02:04 - 35.5 MB

In a continued study of Joshua, Pastor James leads us through Chapter 8.

Seeing God When We Live Beyond Our Means

May 23, 2021 20:44 - 42 MB

Join us as Pastor Tom Rakoczy teaches us the formula living beyond our means. Continuing our series, Pastor Rakoczy tells what it means to live beyond our means in order to effectively be used by God and to truly see God move.

Seeing God In A Negative World

May 16, 2021 20:55 - 41.9 MB

We live in a chaotic world with a chaotic culture. While this chaos runs rampant, it has begun to impact the Church. As Pastor Tom Rakoczy, shares from Numbers 11, he brings a message of warning to the body of Christ. Join us as Pastor teaches us how to keep our effectiveness and focus on seeing God in a negative world.

Turning Defeat into Victory: God Changes Things

May 15, 2021 03:28 - 33.8 MB

In a continued study of Joshua, Pastor James leads us through Chapter 8. Join us as we follow Joshua's example and turn our defeats into victories...

The Tenacious Faith of a Mother

May 09, 2021 20:23 - 41.5 MB

Welcome as we celebrate our mother's this Sunday morning. Join us as Pastor Tom shares the power and impact of a mother's tenacious faith.

Moving Excuses Into Excellence

May 06, 2021 20:45

Pastor Tom Rakoczy shows us how our excuses can keep us from seeing God. Taking a closer look at Moses in Exodus 3, Pastor Rakoczy explains how our excuses can also keep us from excelling in the things that God has called us to do. Watch and listen as we learn how to move past our excuses and into excellence in order to truly see God.

Defeat in the Land of Victory pt. II

May 06, 2021 20:37 - 42.2 MB

In our continued study of Joshua, Pastor Tom speaks about how God's chose people suffered a defeat in the promised land. Join us as we follow the story of Achan in Joshua 7 and learn how a valley of trouble can become a door of hope.

Defeat in the Land of Victory

May 06, 2021 20:26

In our study of Joshua, Pastor Tom speaks about how God's chose people suffered a defeat in the promised land. Join us as we follow the story of Achan in Joshua 7 and learn how a valley of trouble can become a door of hope.

Destined For Greatness

April 27, 2021 01:22 - 30.4 MB

Former NFL football player and evangelist, Joe Jackson teaches from Genesis 32:24-28. Listen as brother Jackson shares how we are all destined for greatness because the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knows our name.

Seeing God In Uncomfortable Times

April 23, 2021 01:57 - 39.4 MB

Pastor Tom Rakoczy teaches us how to see God in the uncomfortable times in our lives. In this study of Habukkuk, we learn how to turn our questions to God into confidence in God.

Preparing for Spiritual Battle pt. II - faith and glory

April 23, 2021 01:37 - 36.5 MB

Pastor James continues teaching about Preparing for Spiritual Battle by reminding us that before the battle we must remember that we fight from victory, not just for victory. During the battle, remember we overcome the enemy by faith. And after the battle, remember to obey God’s commands and give him the glory. Listen as we are reminded that God is never in a hurry, and His timing is never off!

What Happens When We See God

April 11, 2021 20:08 - 27 minutes - 15.3 MB

As Pastor Tom begins a new series, he shares six reasons we fail to see God clearly from Isaiah chapter 5. From things like putting God in a box to seeing God through the eyes of the media, there are serval things that keep us from seeing God. Listen as we also learn from Isaiah's experience what happens when we do see God clearly!

Preparing for Spiritual Battle

April 08, 2021 04:34 - 15.6 MB

As we dive back into our study in Joshua, Pastor James points out three factors in Joshua's victory over Jericho: fear of the Lord, promises of the Lord, and instructions of the Lord. Listen and hear how God’s people don’t simply fight for victory but from victory, because the Lord has already won the battle! Reckon on His promises and obey what He tells you to do, and you shall have the victory.

The Impossible Assignment

April 04, 2021 22:05 - 27 minutes - 14.5 MB

This Easter, Pastor Tom teaches us about the miracle and message of Easter: that Jesus died and rose again! He took away the problems that separated us from God. Now we are to come and see what happened, go and tell others, and fall down and worship Him! Listen and hear how by giving us a second chance, no impossible assignments can come between us and God!

Can These Dry Bones Live?

April 03, 2021 03:53 - 27 minutes - 14.3 MB

Tonight on Good Friday, Pastor Tom shared with us the importance of giving the blood of Jesus, that he shed for us, its rightful place in our lives by teaching us about Ezekiel and his vision of the valley of dry bones. Listen as Pastor Tom reminds us that all our efforts in the Kingdom are lifeless and powerless without the touch of the Spirit upon them.

Lazarus of Bethany

March 28, 2021 21:36 - 27 minutes - 14.5 MB

Pastor Tom wraps up our series Rise Up by sharing with us how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead so that people (including his disciples) would be convinced that God had sent Him. Listen as we are remined of the bottom line of this story: that Jesus is the resurrection and the life; he is the way the truth and the life and no one goes to heaven but through him!

Preparing for Victory - Part 2

March 25, 2021 04:05 - 15.9 MB

Pastor Tom continues teaching us the second and third steps of preparation needed for God to give His people victory over the nations of Canaan. Listen and see how important remembering God's goodness and reaffirming His presence is for our lives!

The Daughter of Jairus

March 21, 2021 20:11 - 27 minutes - 14.7 MB

Pastor Tom teaches us how Jairus asked Jesus to heal his daughter but was interrupted by this woman and the crowd, leading to his daughter dying. Listen as we learn that just like Jesus told the girl to get up, and told her parents to give her something to eat, he is telling us to RISE UP and feed on the Word of God! When we fill our minds with God’s Word, the enemy of our lives will be defeated!

Preparing for Victory - Part 1

March 18, 2021 00:40 - 16.1 MB

As we continue in our study of Joshua, Pastor Tom teaches us about how Israel prepared for victory by renewing their covenant with God. Why was it necessary for them to renew their covenant before they marched on Jericho? Listen as Pastor Tom teaches us 5 reasons why Israel needed to renew their covenant with God that we can apply to our own lives today!

The Son Raised in Nain

March 14, 2021 21:50 - 27 minutes - 13.9 MB

Today, Pastor Tom teaches us how much Jesus loves people and saw no one as insignificant, even a widowed woman from a small village. We are reminded that Jesus is moved by our pain and our grief moves him to be close to us. Listen and see how Jesus spoke life into the this son, and to us as well!

Missionaries to Africa

March 10, 2021 21:38 - 27 minutes - 13.6 MB

Join us as we listen to a missionary couple who serve in Africa! This is a great opportunity to learn about the culture and how God is using us to support this couple as they follow God's leading!

The Shunammite's Son

March 07, 2021 18:52 - 27 minutes - 16.2 MB

Today Pastor Tom teaches us that we must be careful to not allow the pain of loss to change our view of God. And while Elisha may have been a great prophet, he still needed to rely on the Lord for answers, just like us. Listen as we are reminded that God always has a purpose, not just for our lives to be restored, but for our faith to be strengthened. It’s about people RISING UP!

Forward by Faith - Part 2

March 03, 2021 18:22 - 14.2 MB

Pastor James picks up where he left off by teaching us the remaining two essentials for moving ahead by faith: the walk of faith and the witness of faith. Listen as we are reminded that “Unless we are willing to step out by faith and obey His Word, God can never open the way for us….Glorifying the past is a good way to petrify the present and rob the church of power.” - Warren Wiersbe

The Widow's Son

February 28, 2021 17:25 - 27 minutes - 14.5 MB

As we begin a new series, Pastor Tom teaches us through the widow who helped Elijah that when God comes to you with something he wants you to do, it's always going to be bigger than yourself. Listen as we learn that while Elijah may not have known what God would do, but he believed in what God could do, and we should too.

Forward by Faith - Part 1

February 25, 2021 05:32 - 15.5 MB

Pastor James continues our study of the Book of Joshua by teaching us about the faith and obedience of the Israelites. Faith is not believing in spite of evidence, but obeying in spite of consequences. Living faith always leads to action. Listen as we hear five messages or words from the LORD that give us the roadmap for becoming a victorious people of faith!

Spiritual Reproduction

February 21, 2021 20:05 - 27 minutes - 16.8 MB

Pastor Tom wraps up our series by sharing what discipleship really is: the great commission, multiplication, and apprenticeship. Listen as we learn about Jesus' IDEA for discipleship!

Intimacy With God

February 14, 2021 19:55 - 27 minutes - 16.2 MB

Today we hear from Pastor Tom as he teaches us about one of the basic Core Values we all need: Intimacy with God! Intimacy always begins with friendship. God loved you first! He stands at the door of your heart and knocks. But, you must open it and let him in. Listen as we explore John 15:12-16 to see the tests of friendship that Jesus lays down.

A Convert in Canaan - Part 2

February 11, 2021 03:48 - 27 minutes - 16.4 MB

Tonight Pastor Tom continues teaching about the faith of Rahab. While Rahab didn’t know much about God, she acted on what she did know. She had confident faith that brought hope to not just her family, but all of Israel! Listen and see how we can have faith just like Rahab!


February 07, 2021 20:04 - 27 minutes - 15 MB

Listen as we hear from Pastor Tom on Servanthood - using our gifts in ministry. As we hear about the disciple Andrew, we see three important values: people, invisible service, and insignificant gifts. Join us as we are encouraged to serve those around us!

A Convert in Canaan

February 04, 2021 04:06 - 27 minutes - 17.1 MB

Join us as we hear from Pastor Tom as he teaches us a few things about the faith of Rahab who helped the Israelite spies in Jericho. Remember, those things which people see a nothing God sees as He intended them to be! True saving faith can't be hidden for long!

Love for People

January 31, 2021 20:15 - 27 minutes - 16.8 MB

Pastor Tom reminds us that loving one another must be a 2021 Core Value not only here at CFA, but in every individual! So what must we do to love like Jesus? Join us to hear five models to follow to learn to love people like Jesus did.

Follow the Leader

January 28, 2021 03:48 - 27 minutes - 15.1 MB

Listen as Pastor James teaches us three things about following and encouraging our leaders: imitate the faith of godly leaders, follow them in biblical and church matters, and make it a joy for them to lead you. We can learn to encourage our leaders as they continue to lead us closer to Jesus.

Heart for the Lost

January 25, 2021 01:43 - 27 minutes - 16.3 MB

Pastor Tom teaches us about the Core Value of have a Heart for the Lost. Jesus demonstrated this by initiating reaching the lost. They are his top priority, so they should be ours as well. Listen as we are reminded that the lost sheep did not find the shepherd. The shepherd went out and found the lost sheep.

Be Encouraged

January 21, 2021 01:40 - 27 minutes - 15.2 MB

Pastor James shares with us four ways to be encouraged: by God’s commission, by God’s promise, by God’s written word, and by God’s commandment. When we have these things, what enemy can touch us? Listen as we are reminded that God’s people live on His promises and not on explanations!

Biblical Authority

January 17, 2021 07:08 - 27 minutes - 13.5 MB

Today Pastor Tom continues in our series Core Values by teaching us about Biblical Authority. We are called to give God's Word final authority in every area of our life. Join us as we never forget that obedience leads to God’s favor in big ways. When you obey, miracles happen, healing is released, new doors open, and problems turn around. And it spills over to others!

A New Beginning - Part 2

January 13, 2021 23:37 - 27 minutes - 14.6 MB

As we continue our introduction of our new series Joshua, Pastor Tom shares with us about God's promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give the land to the people of Israel. Listen and learn how the book of Joshua illustrates how believers today can say good-bye to the old life and enter into their rich inheritance in Jesus Christ.

Jacob Jester - The Sheep Need a Shepherd

January 10, 2021 22:22 - 27 minutes - 13.6 MB

This week we hear from a special guest speaker, Jacob Jester! Jacob teaches us how often people say "No" to God. Even Moses said no to God at first. We need to learn how to become people who says yes to God, then see how He provides the rest!

A New Beginning

January 07, 2021 05:57 - 27 minutes - 14.1 MB

As we begin a new year, Pastor Tom starts a new Wednesday night series through the book of Joshua. Tonight we learn about the different roles Joshua had as the Israelites came from Egypt into the Promised Land. Listen as we learn the secret of Joshua’s success: his faith in the Word of God!

Personal Integrity

January 03, 2021 23:13 - 27 minutes - 16 MB

As we begin a new year, Pastor Tom begins a new series on a much needed topic: Core Values. Today we learn that it is more important for Him to see what we are (integrity) before we show Him our ministry or what we can do (our influence). Listen and hear how we are to be vessels of integrity—with no cracks.

The Prayer of Antioch in 2021

December 30, 2020 19:36 - 27 minutes - 16.4 MB

For the last message of 2020, Pastor Tom tells us to pray like the church in Antioch of Acts chapter 13. We might not know what they were praying, but they got God's attention. Let's listen and be encouraged to pray a prayer that gets God’s attention and leads us to even greater goals than we can envision ourselves!

What is Truth for 2021

December 28, 2020 02:06 - 27 minutes - 19.8 MB

For the last Sunday of 2020, Pastor Tom teaches us the two things that we need to have bold faith in 2021, as well as the benefits of having this bold faith as we start the new year! Join us for a great message as we finish off 2020!

A Christmas Gift - Christmas Eve Service

December 25, 2020 03:12 - 27 minutes - 16.3 MB

This Christmas Eve, Chandler First Assembly wants to give you a gift to share with your family and friends! So grab a cup of hot cocoa and join us as we worship together and hear a special message from Pastor James Brown and Pastor Tom Rakoczy!

Mary - Trust God for the Impossible

December 21, 2020 01:57 - 27 minutes - 18.2 MB

As we finish up this series in preparation for Christmas, Pastor To shares three amazing things about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Listen and learn of the risks Mary had to take and how we can also trust God for the impossible. Remember, Christmas is a time for the impossible!

The White Stone

December 17, 2020 01:32 - 27 minutes - 15 MB

Pastor James finishes up our SoulPrint Series by telling us our soulprint—our destiny—can only discovered it by sitting in the presence of the Lord. Our soulprint is the truest reflection of God’s image. Listen as we learn that ultimately, our decisions will determine our destiny. How we act and react to the events of life will define us.

Wise Men - Keep Your Eye on the Goal

December 14, 2020 03:02 - 27 minutes - 14.8 MB

This Sunday, Pastor Tom reminds us of the message of Christmas; that God communicates in our language, in the way that is best for each of us. We are also reminded that if we don't know where we are going, we'll never know if we get there. Listen as we learn five things from studying these wise men!

The Devil’s Workshop

December 10, 2020 03:47 - 27 minutes - 14.9 MB

Listen as Pastor Tom continues teaching from the series Soul Print, we learn that true freedom comes when we to take a long, hard look at ourselves by watching our eyes, being honest, seeking God's best, and letting God use our brokenness.

Shepherds - Seize the Moment

December 07, 2020 02:59 - 27 minutes - 14.7 MB

Pastor Tom continues in our series Making Christmas Relevant by reminding us that the Lord in His wisdom chose the shepherds because they were very common people. They seized the moment! God knew all of this in advance and chose them to first hear. Now, let’s listen and see some observations concerning the Christmas story that we can learn from and apply to our own lives!

Alter Ego

December 03, 2020 03:43 - 27 minutes - 14.4 MB

As we return to our study from the book Soul Print, Pastor Tom teaches us the benefits of embarrassment! We are taught to be ourselves and stop hiding behind our alter egos. God is desperate for us and is looking for those you are desperate for him!

Joseph Believed the Best in People

November 30, 2020 02:54 - 27 minutes - 15.4 MB

This week Pastor Tom teaches us about Joseph, Jesus' earthly father, and that the closest people to us most often test our relationship with God. Never underestimate the influence of even a borrowed dad. Listen as we learn how it is not our actions that really show our maturity in God; it is our reactions!

Thanksgiving Service - Celebrating Our Many Blessings

November 25, 2020 03:38 - 27 minutes - 14.4 MB

Join us for this Thanksgiving message from Pastor Tom Rakoczy, Pastor James Brown, and Pastor Steve Salvidge as they share 10 things they are thankful for!


The Power of One
1 Episode