Whether you have trouble with your skin, your gut, or both, today’s guest is your girl. Jennifer Fugo, MS, CNS is a functional clinical nutritionist and the founder of Gluten Free School. In her clinical practice, she helps women with never-ending IBS problems, chronic skin rashes, brain fog, chronic fatigue, and autoimmunity find a way back to their best health.

Today on Ceremony Wellness…

What Jennifer knows now about eczemaThe importance of chewing + stomach acidWhat going gluten free has done for JenniferConnecting the dots of all the symptoms we haveInvisible and visible illnesses and the traumas of eachWhat’s made differences for Jennifer’s digestion and skin issuesCoconut oil and skin issues


To learn more, visit: https://kellitennant.com/category/podcast/



Learn more: jenniferfugo.com ; skinterrupt.comInstagram: @jenniferfugoListen: The Healthy Skin ShowCheck out: Coconut Oil Article ; Low Stomach Acid TestVisit kellitennant.com/live to get your ticket for Ceremony Wellness: LiveTake some time for yourself with a journaling practice: kellitennant.com/journal
