In this episode, you'll hear from Ashley Wray, founder and CEO of Mala Collective, a company that works with artisans in Asia (from Bali to India to Nepal) to create products supporting a mindfulness and meditation practice. Ashley shares her journey from being a journalist covering murder trials to owning a business centered around mindful meditation. You'll hear about the burnout point when Ashley realized she could absolutely no longer be a journalist covering murder trials anymore, and where Ashley’s curiosity about sharing mindful meditation with others began to turn into a successful business venture. Ashley tells how one of the barriers she had to break through in order to get to the next level in her business was herself and her mindset. You'll learn from Ashley several different ways to find more peace in your life and begin a mindfulness or meditation practice today.

Connect with Ashley & Mala Collective:


Free I Am Enough Meditation Series:

Ashley’s IG: @ashley__wray

Mala Collective’s: @malacollective

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