In this episode, you'll hear from Berrion Berry, a Menstrual Health Educator, Certified Integrative Health Practitioner & the Founder of The Flo Academy. Berrion breaks down the menstrual cycle into three specific categories to help understand how to work with your cycle instead of against. You'll hear when the optimal time is to do vision casting, goal setting, and zoom out of the business and look at an overview.  She shares when your peak performance will take place, and the the optimal time to look for gaps in your business, identify what bridges need to be built to get you from point A to point B. Berrion explains the different types of birth control options available, ones that may cause you to have a cycle versus ones that don’t and options that can sync to your cycle. You'll learn how to set up your work calendar to reflect your cycle so that you can begin using this knowledge in day to day business. 
Connect with Berrion: Instagram: @berrionlberry Optimize your Flo Course:  This episode is sponsored by The Club, a Quarterly box and digital monthly community to help you level up and leadership and life. Learn more today at Follow @ceoschool on Instagram for inspiration and exclusive behind-the-scenes you won’t find anywhere else. We also have an absolutely incredible FREE resource for you–it’s the 7 lessons we learned building 7 and 8 figure businesses, these are complete game changers and we want to give it to you, completely free. All you have to do is leave a review of the podcast–why you love listening–screenshot the review, and email it to [email protected] and we’ll send it your way.