In today's episode, you'll hear from Shydeia and Brittany,  founders of Black Girl Magik, a digital membership platform designed for Black women to flourish through sisterhood and well-being. Shydeia shares how Black Girl Magic originated and Shydeia’s mission to create a place of belonging for other women where they could be a part of a community and share their story. Brittany tells the story of how she met Shydeia and became a part of Black Girl Magic and the first meet up. The journey from the first meet up to holding events all over the US and how that helped solidify the vision for an ongoing community. You'll hear how they made the decision to use crowdfunding to support building out the infrastructure of the Black Girl Magik membership, and advice Shydeia would give herself a few years ago when Black Girl Magik was still just an idea. They share the steps they took to build a network for their campaign and how they leveraged niche communities to walk alongside them as allies for their mission.

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