In today's episode, you'll hear from Kiya Tomlin, an African American designer and entrepreneur who created her company with the goal of making comfortable and age-appropriate designs. Kia shares how she transitioned from a lifelong pursuit to be a surgeon to becoming an internationally successful entrepreneur as a fashion designer. You'll learn why the Tomlins created their own family crest and are committed to giving their children a legacy to be proud of generationally, and exactly why Kiya’s company was able to pivot, and eventually thrive, when COVID-19 restrictions began. You'll hear her best advice for entrepreneurs starting out, and how to stay connected in a marriage when both people are ambitious and successful in demanding careers.  Connect with Kiya:  Learn more about the 2.0 Mastermind: This episode is sponsored by The Club, a Quarterly box and digital monthly community to help you level up and leadership and life. Learn more today at Follow @ceoschool on Instagram for inspiration and exclusive behind-the-scenes you won’t find anywhere else. We also have an absolutely incredible FREE resource for you–it’s the 7 lessons we learned building 7 and 8 figure businesses, these are complete game changers and we want to give it to you, completely free. All you have to do is leave a review of the podcast–why you love listening–screenshot the review, and email it to [email protected] and we’ll send it your way.