Right now you all are getting the juicy behind the scenes of all of the things that we're recording for the CEO School Course dropping, May 16th. After I finish recording an episode, I love to jump onto the podcast to share a lesson from each module we are creating. 
In today’s episode, I am talking about how to build a strong sales funnel. I share a sales funnel is, how you should be thinking about a sales funnel in your business and how to close on your ideal customers to get the sales you deserve. Join the waitlist for the CEO School course & be first to know when it is available: https://theceoschool.co/ceo-school-waitlist   Follow @ceoschool on Instagram for inspiration and exclusive behind-the-scenes you won’t find anywhere else.   This episode is sponsored by The Club, a Quarterly box and digital monthly community to help you level up and leadership and life. Learn more today at join.theceoschool.co