What’s one of the biggest complaints many CEO School boss babes have? There aren’t enough hours in the day. You’re not alone if you feel this way. Every single entrepreneur has the same issue and short of either giving everything up entirely or making a deal with the universe to add a few extra hours to the day, there isn’t much you can do. Or is there?   In today’s episode, I am sharing my number one time hack that is going to save you 8 hours a week. YES! I have a system that actually wins me back time and it ensures that everything that needs to get completed gets completed and what needs to be delegated gets delegated. During this episode, I talk about why you should only be focusing on the critical tasks, why time is a valuable asset, and why a calendar is your best tool!      Sign up for the Do Less Masterclass happening 3/29 here.   Follow @ceoschool on Instagram for inspiration and exclusive behind-the-scenes you won’t find anywhere else.   This episode is sponsored by The Club, a Quarterly box and digital monthly community to help you level up and leadership and life. Learn more today at join.theceoschool.co