Whether it’s attending a concert or immersing yourself in a video game, the world of VR is expanding. Companies are now forging a new era for virtual reality, with the end goal of creating an immersive world that crosses the line between real life and the virtual realm.    In today’s episode, I am talking to Mary Spio, CEO and founder of CEEK Virtual Reality. Taking the industry by a storm,  Mary is the inventor of the world's first 4d audio headphones and she actually sits on the board of Facebook's Oculus VR For Good, and Amazon's Launchpad. She has been awarded over 10 technology patents in satellite streaming, virtual reality, and 4d audio, in addition to being featured in Rolling Stone, Billboard, and The Wall Street Journal.   During today’s conversation, Mary shares show her skills in math and science landed her a scholarship to explore deep space science and how that guided her into her current role as a CEO of a VR company. She speaks on breaking through the glass ceiling,  wanting to be a visionary and leader in the Metaverse, and why diversity is not a nicety it is a necessity.  Connect with Mary: Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceek Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ceekvr/  This episode is sponsored by The Club, a Quarterly box and digital monthly community to help you level up and leadership and life. Learn more today at join.theceoschool.co/theclub Follow @ceoschool on Instagram for inspiration and exclusive behind-the-scenes you won’t find anywhere else. If you've enjoyed today's episode, please leave us a five star rating telling us what you enjoy the most.

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