Today, I am sharing a recent interview I did on Inner Boss Podcast, with host Jen Casey. Jen is a business strategy and master-mindset coach for online coaches ready to grow and scale profitable and purpose-driven businesses. In episode 27 of The Podcast Podcast, we are going to share the top tips and strategies that I shared on Jen’s podcast covering a holistic approach to profitable podcasting.


In this episode of The Podcast Podcast, I’m sharing how I got involved with the podcasting space as well as the importance of having systems in place and how you can have a holistic approach when it comes to profitable podcasting.

Some of the talking points we go over in this episode include:


My story and how I got involved with podcasting. The biggest mistake I see with entrepreneurs stepping into the podcasting space is first, they don’t have a system in place that is saving them time. Second, forgetting there’s a business strategy when it comes to podcasting. You should spend 20% of your time creating content and 80% of the time repurposing content.


When it comes to podcasting, there has to be a strategy behind it. Without a strategy, it can be easy to fall into a hole of overwhelm and poor time management. Podcasting is a growing powerful industry, and if you set up the right systems in place, it can be a great tool for your business. For more details, be sure to check out the full episode.


Thanks for listening!

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Profitable Podcast Collaborative

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