In this bonus episode of The Podcast Podcast, we are sharing a powerful hypnotic meditation that we gifted our Profitable Podcast Membership members. Please do not listen to this episode while you are driving. ⁣

To best use this meditation find a comfortable, quiet space and listen before you sit down to record your episodes. Whether you are batching multiple, getting on an interview, or simply recording one this 10-minute meditation will prime you & get you into the energy of receiving from your show. ⁣

Intention & purpose is important in everything we do, so coming into your recordings after this meditation you will be ready for an epic energy exchange for those on the other end of your microphone. ⁣

I hope you enjoy! ⁣

We would love to hear what you think about this bonus episode - be sure to share a screenshot & tag us on IG @profitablepodcastproductions⁣



Work with Tara!