When I first started out meal planning, it was suuuch an overwhelming experience.   I really struggled to get into a good flow; it's something that takes practice to get better. But these days I am flying through it; our meals are nutritious, we're intentional about what we choose to eat, and the meals are ready for me when I've had a chaotic day and just don't have the time to come up with something to cook.   The process is the same with batching for my podcast - it took practice, it requires some strategic thinking, and I have to invest energy into it when I have it to spare. But once it's done, I can live my life without worrying about losing consistency or intentionality!   If you're not batching your podcast content, trust me - you want to change that. Let's talk about why.   Want to learn more about our Profitable Podcasting Process? Visit our free training now- https://profitablepodcast.co/free-training