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Are you making up unnecessary rules for yourself regarding podcasting?

Most people do it! I do it! 

One of the rules that I've created for myself is before I do anything on video I think I need to do hair and makeup and make myself "Instagram pretty." Who says I have to do that? Why do I think I have to show up that way?

No one has told me this and I got it in my head along the way and created it as a rule. 

I also tend to see people create rules about recording. Like they only record their podcast in their office, if they can't get to their office they can't record. While it is true that good sound and consistency are important, it's just not true that you can only record in one location. 

It's time to think outside of our little self-created boxes and ditch the rules!

Listen to the full episode to hear more about how you could be limiting yourself with unneeded rules!

