Welcome back to the CEO of Destiny Podcast!
Psalm 90:12
“Learning to value and measure our days.”

Matthew 7:16
judging a tree by its fruit.

Why am I so exhausted?

Ever wonder where your time went, and then you backtracked and found it was spent on something you know you shouldn’t be given to?

Maybe it was an intramural league that you aspired for be the star of while lapsing in other priorities?

Or perhaps it was playing a game online with your crew of peers that see you as the one that’s easiest to defeat, yet pride won’t allow you to give up your pipe dream?

In this brief episode I cover some great questions I’ve had to answer on many occasions.

Take a listen and let me know what you think in the comments.


"Quality of Soil?"



Welcome back to the CEO of Destiny Podcast!

Psalm 90:12
“Learning to value and measure our days.”

Matthew 7:16

Judging a tree by its fruit.

Why am I so exhausted?

Ever wonder where your time went, and then you backtracked and found it was spent on something you know you shouldn’t be given to?

Maybe it was an intramural league that you aspired for be the star of while lapsing in other priorities?

Or perhaps it was playing a game online with your crew of peers that see you as the one that’s easiest to defeat, yet pride won’t allow you to give up your pipe dream?

In this brief episode I cover some great questions I’ve had to answer on many occasions.

Take a listen and let me know what you think in the comments.


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"Quality of soil"

  FREE download: 11 Secret's about your Destiny 

Connect with me: @ceoofdestiny