Ladies and gentlemen, you’re about to WATCH the best podcast ever recorded.

On BPE’s first-ever video podcast, Alex chats with CEO of TalentLaunch Aaron Grossman. They discuss his journey of going from a paperboy to running a $130 million staffing and talent company, the importance of company culture, neverending gratitude, and Aaron’s side project, the Wrestlers in Business Network, among many others.


Personal and professional wins
The importance of mindfulness and paying attention to the details
Aaron’s journey from college to the creation of TalentLaunch
The importance of setting good processes
Art vs. Science in Business and Sports and the 80/20 rule
Make or break moments and going from owning a business to running a company
How Aaron learned to be an entrepreneur from his parents
Culture vs. Ego and the importance of having a purpose, a mission, and strong core values
Growing into a $130 million company and beyond
The creation of the Wrestlers in Business Network


Aaron’s LinkedIn TalentLaunch Wrestlers in Business Network Entrepreneur’s Organization (EO) Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) The E-Myth Library by Michael Gerber  The “Scary Times” Success Manual by Dan Sullivan