Here’s what you need to know about 2024’s real estate market.

As we head into 2024, what’s going on with the housing market? If you’re planning on making a move next year, you need to stay up to date on what’s going on. That’s why we’re sharing the best expert predictions for 2024 and explaining what they mean for you. 

First, you should know that 2023 was considered a very volatile year for real estate. Total homes sold went from around six million to four million, which is a sharp decrease for one year. The main reason why the market was so crazy was the Federal Reserve increasing interest rates to curb inflation. As we head into 2024, inflation appears to be getting under control, which means interest rates could drop sometime next year. 

If you are planning on making your move in 2024, please call us at 717-216-0860 or send us an email at [email protected]. You can also reach out to us at We look forward to hearing from you!