Meet Adam Doyle, a dedicated and passionate inside sales agent.

Today I’m super excited to interview Adam Doyle, one of our inside sales agents. He’s a great guy, and I can’t wait to learn more about his story.

Why did you go into real estate, and why this team?

“I joined the team in October 2020. I went to college for marketing and got a full business job right out of school, but that position was canceled with COVID. I had a lot of time, so I decided to get my real estate license and join the team. I had a lot of conversations with Dave and Drew, and I figured this would be the best time.”A lot of people don’t know about your position, but it’s the backbone of our team. Tell us a bit about what you do.

“I am an inside sales agent. I’m the first contact with all of the inbound leads we receive. I try to figure out their motivation and time frame, and when I feel it’s time, I pass them on to one of our other agents, set them up with an appointment, and get them out looking at homes.” 

“This team has a wealth of knowledge to offer, so I always try to take in as much as I can.”

What are your favorite parts of your job and this team in general?

“My favorite part about this job is that buying a home is one of the most important things people will do, and I get to be a part of that. I get to help them through their journey, and it feels great. 

“Project Lamplight is also just awesome. For those of you who don’t know, Project Lamplight is our team’s non-profit. We take a percentage of all of our sales and look for anyone who could benefit from that fund and try to facilitate that aid.” 

What’s your biggest challenge?

“My biggest challenge is living up to the standards that Dave has set up. When people hear the Dave Hooke team, they have really high standards because of all the work Dave has done in the past. The biggest challenge is following in those footsteps and trying to give people the same experience that Dave did.” 

What are you most excited about in the next two to three years?

“The growth. There’s so much potential in this team as we grow. I’m only six months into this position, so there are so many different paths I can take.”

If you or someone you know wants to learn more about Adam’s journey, the ISA department, or the Dave Hooke Team in general, feel free to call us at (717) 216-0860 or email us at [email protected].

Maybe you want to join a team like ours or learn more about what we do. We’re an open book, so we’d love to connect with you.