Josh Perchinksi talks about his recent promotion and what his job entails.

I’m very excited to introduce senior lead buyer’s agent Josh Perchinski. Today we’ll learn more about him and what he does. He was recently promoted to his current leadership position, so how has that changed things for him? What does he like most about being on our team? We’ll discuss all that and more.

Feel free to watch the full message above, or use these timestamps that will direct you to various points in the video:

0:00 — Introduction to today’s topic

0:25 — Why Josh joined our team

1:30 — What Josh’s job entails

2:15 — How his recent promotion to a leadership role is going

3:15 — Some of the things I appreciate most about Josh

3:55 — His favorite thing about being on our team

4:45 — What Josh is most excited about learning in the next two to three years

5:40 — Wrapping up today’s topic

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