Three things to empower your organization to go to the next level.

What are the three things you can do to maximize the morning of your entire organization? I want to answer this question because we have a fantastic routine we follow every day:

1. Start with a positive focus. Whether on a Zoom call or in the office, we begin with gratitude. I ask everybody to tell me some good news in their lives. A great side effect of this activity is that you get to know the people that you’re in business with on a personal level.

2. Sharpen our saw. We do a 20-minute training on things we can do in the sales business to help better serve our customers.

3. Lead generation. We love to do this because we turn music on and get the chat going. It’s high energy, so we actually look forward to it.

For more information on exactly how we do these three things, call me at 717-216-0860 or email [email protected], and I’ll follow up about the details of our miracle morning. I look forward to hearing from you.