Home inspections are an important part of the home sale process whether you’re a buyer or a seller.

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Why do you need a home inspection?

According to Brad Kershner, a home inspector from Central Illinois Inspection and my guest for today, getting a home inspection benefits you greatly whether you’re a buyer or a seller. Brad’s been in the business for 18 years and has done more than 5,000 inspections, so he knows what he’s talking about.

If you’re a buyer, it reduces your risk in purchasing a home because you can locate any major repairs that need to be made that may have been overlooked by the homeowner. This includes issues that may need to be addressed with the roof, the structure, the exterior cladding, the windows and doors, the furnace and air conditioner, the plumbing system, and other areas. When these are taken care of, you’ll go into the purchase with more confidence.

As a seller, getting a pre-listing inspection sets your home apart in the marketplace. If a buyer knows your home has been inspected and needed repairs have been made, it can make the transaction process much smoother.

Getting a home inspection gives you peace of mind.

When I sold my house, I myself had Brad give it an inspection. The house was built in the 1920s and had been updated, but there were still a bunch of little things that needed to be done to make it market-ready. When a buyer came along and had their own inspector walk through it, they didn’t find a single thing wrong with it. If you’re a seller and the reverse happens and the buyer finds a bunch of little things wrong with your house, it will make them very nervous. Especially if they’re a first-time buyer.

Inspectors can’t be everywhere, so after they complete their inspection, they go over it with the buyer or the seller and let them know what repairs are important and what aren’t important. Brad, for example, color-codes his repairs in blue and red ink—minor repairs in blue ink and major repairs in red. This gives each party peace of mind throughout the transaction.

If you have any questions about home inspections, don’t hesitate to give me a call. I’m here to help.