Welcome to the ManMade Podcast

This Podcast is with Shawn Helvey and Adam Thorne. Shawn is a licensed behavioral health counselor and Adam is a graduate student in behavioral health counseling. They’ve known each other for over 25 years and talk every week about the trials and tribulations of life.


Shallow self-discipline, as practiced by some life coaches, can often resemble a motivational poster that's lost its way – all flash and no substance. Imagine a life coach, armed with an arsenal of clichés, eagerly dispensing advice like a vending machine stuck on the 'inspirational quotes' setting. They often miss the mark, offering cookie-cutter solutions to deep-rooted issues. The irony is that their messages, intended to spark discipline, often lack the very depth and discipline they're preaching about. True discipline is more than just a catchy hashtag or a well-timed pep talk; it requires empathy, compassion, and understanding. It's about guiding someone through their journey with the gentleness of a friend and the wisdom of a sage. Think of it as trying to teach someone to swim by throwing them a pool noodle instead of jumping in the water with them. The best coaches dive in, ready to demonstrate each stroke with a blend of kindness and expertise, turning the daunting task of learning into an enjoyable swim in the ocean of self-improvement.


Some resources that may be useful:

Motivational Speakers  

Contact us at: [email protected]