In this episode, Alex looks at recent surge of Omicron cases at Cornell University that has led to a return to online finals and a shutdown of the Ithaca campus. He goes over how this reflects a similar problem in Vermont, Denmark, and the U.K.. It seems like Omicron may be a serious threat for the US, not because of its lethality, but because of what the surge in cases may do to the health care system. Later, Alex talks about how the Biden Administration has announced that it won’t extend student loan relief even though it was a popular policy. Alex discusses how the student loan crisis is not only a ticking time bomb, but something that both parties don’t seem driven to fix. Could ending this relief before the midterms hurt Biden even more? Finally, Alex goes over his top five most impactful people from 2021. These are highly debatable, but all are individuals that have impacted Alex’s year and made him think.