In this episode, Alex starts with a recent experience of being confronted by antivaxxers in a restaurant in California. Then he goes on to discuss new revelations in the January 6th investigation, and how corporate greed led to unnecessary deaths during the recent tornados in the midwest. "While Rudy Was Imploding, A Serious Plot Against Democracy Was Exploding." 


Over the last couple days, two new revelations have come to the surface. First, Mark Meadows, received text messages from Trump family members (including Don Jr.), Fox News Hosts, and Republican house members, begging for him to tell Trump to stop the chaos. These texts could be damaging for the Trump administration because it shows that Trump was out of control, liked what was happening, and was not going to stop it. It seems clear that he was no longer acting as president for all of America, but as a demagogue wanting to hold onto office for as long as he could. Alex thinks that the impeachment should have gone to a trial after January 6th to make it so Trump could not run for office again. 


The second revelation, from when Mark Meadows cooperated with the commission, is that there was a 36 page powerpoint outlining different options for overturning the election. These options included options ranging from declaring a national emergency to seize ballots to blaming Chinese interference. The most troubling slides revealed that there was a focus on January 6th and halting the certification of the votes. This highlights that there was an orchestrated attempt to overturn this election. Alex mentions that the media may have laughed off Rudy Guliani melting and farting during court cases or Sydney Powell’s delusions, but the real plot was much more serious and refined. 


Also, the recent tornados in the midwest have fo far killed 80 people. One town of Mayfield, Kentucky saw its downtown leveled and a factory completely destroyed. Alex mentions how these tragic events highlight corporate greed. There are reports that a factory in Mayfield threatened to fire its employees if they left work after the tornado warnings. These people were forced to go back to work and eventually had to hide in bathrooms and hallways. Eight people died. Also, in Illinois, an Amazon warehouse saw damage that killed 6 people. There are reports that these employees were not given the option to leave work and couldn’t shelter in safe places. Alex argues that while Amazon denies this report, the bigger question is: WHY WERE THESE PEOPLE STILL REQUIRED TO WORK?