Kristina Bas Hamilton is our guest this week on Center Maryland's The Lobby Podcast. Kristina joins the podcast to talk about her new book, public affairs, & more.

About Kristina Bas Hamilton

Born and raised in New Jersey, Kristina is a proud daughter of immigrants. She earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and a Master of Labor and Industrial Relations degree from Rutgers University. She’s worked in the house of Labor for over twenty years, from her first job as a research assistant for the faculty union at Rutgers University to serving as a policy analyst for AFSCME District Council 37 in New York City and representing NJ state workers at CWA Local 1034.

From 2010 through 2020, Kristina had the privilege of representing homecare workers employed through California’s In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program. She served as Legislative Director for the United Domestic Workers (UDW/AFSCME Local 3930), representing 120,000 IHSS and 20,000 family child care providers in 45 counties.

In 2021, Kristina founded KBH Advocacy to share her expertise in the California legislative and budget process. As a contract lobbyist and political consultant, she is privileged to work with labor and advocacy organizations around the state on a variety of progressive issues.

You can purchase her new book here: