This session – led by Ms Vicky Bird and Dr Avinash Paliwal – will offer an introduction to the archives of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office’ papers on Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and China. Highly suitable for teaching and research purposes, these archives are now available digitally via Adam Matthew International. SOAS Library will begin […]

This session – led by Ms Vicky Bird and Dr Avinash Paliwal – will offer an introduction to the archives of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office’ papers on Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, and China. Highly suitable for teaching and research purposes, these archives are now available digitally via Adam Matthew International. SOAS Library will begin its month-long trial version of these archives starting October 24, 2017. Open to students and staff, the session seeks to sensitise scholars to the depth and breath of these documents. Critical to study a variety of historical topics such as foreign and security policy, international relations, and domestic politics of UK, South Asia, and China, these documents can be of use to scholars from various disciplines.



Edited by Isabella Steel