This podcast is focused on Soul, Spirituality, and Spiritual Bypassing. Engaging the Soul and understanding its needs is the key in avoiding Spiritual Bypassing. Unfortunately, many spiritual teaching modalities, including some meditation-based eastern traditions, tend to bypass the Soul and its needs, seeing it as an aspect of Ego that needs to be disowned and surrendered, in favor of a mystical connection to the Sacred. Spiritual enlightenment reached through disowning or surrendering one’s soul and its needs leads to Soul Loss and Spiritual Bypassing. 

Spiritual practice is meant to be a transcending and life-nourishing process. But spiritual practice can be hijacked by the mind, and used as a mean to cope with unhealed psychological or emotional burdens. This is known as Spiritual Bypassing, or unknowingly using spirituality to bypass and distract from what needs attention, healing, and care within. 

We tend to spiritually bypass, when we avoid attending to our soul’s psychological or emotional needs. Spiritual bypassing is also an indication of soul loss, which should be resolved through Inner Work or Soul Retrieval. Spiritual practices that bypass the Soul, no matter how mystical, can never be as soulful or as life-affirming as practices that honor the Soul and engage it as a bridge to the Divine. 

This podcast explains the relationship between Soul, Spirituality, and Spiritual Bypassing, and covers the following topics:   

- Personal and Mystical Experience of Spirituality

- Soul, Soul Loss, and what it means to be Soulful 

- Soulful and Soulless Spirituality

- Spiritual Bypassing and How to notice it


This podcast is produced by Aion Farvahar, who is a Life and Spirituality Mentor, and a Psychoshamanic and IFS Self-Leadership Practitioner. For more information about Aion Farvahar or Celestial Twin Life Mentorship visit:

- Celestial Twin Website (

- About Aion Farvahar (

- Celestial Twin YouTube Channel (


Reference Links:

- Soul Loss and Retrieval (

- A Guide to Inner Work ( 

- Heat Chakra (

- Finding Your Soul (

- Jung's Red Book (

- Jung and Shamanism in Dialogue (


Background Music:

CC-BY by Artist: Meydän, Track: Away, 

Artist's Website (  



The ideas presented here are based on personal perspectives, experience, or research, and are not meant to reflect any scientific or academic argument. No part of this podcasts may be reproduced or used without written permission from Celestial Twin Life Mentorship or Aion Farvahar ( Use of brief quotations is permitted, if providing a clear attribution and link to the original post. 
