This podcast is focused on Individuation. Individuation is about Knowing Who You Really Are, beyond your Ego's understanding of your self.  Individuation is a process that leads to your highest level of self-awareness possible. The term Individuation was coined by the pioneer of Depth Psychology, C.G. Jung, and is reflects the totality of the psyche from a Jungian perspective, including the Ego, Persona, Anima/us, the Center, and the Self.  

Human psyche is deep and multilayer. It has many psychological and spiritual layers of depth. Your mind is aware of the layers on the surface, but is not aware of many hidden and deeper layers. Ironically, what we are not aware of has far more influence on how we feel, believe, or do in life. Until we truly understand the totality of our own Self, we don’t know who we really are, and what we pursue in life may not give us what we really want. Knowing your true Self should be the primary goal of your life, and Individuation is a process that helps you know who you really are.

This podcast explains what true Self is and the individuation process that takes us there. To do that, I use some concepts from Jungian Psychology, because I believe Jung was fully aware of the depth and the totality of his psyche, which he called the Self (with a capital S). This presentation explains Individuation, and its relationship with the Ego, the Center, the Soul, and the Self. 

This podcast covers the following topics:

- Conscious and Unconscious Dimensions of the Mind 

- Anatomy of the Psyche (Ego, Persona, Anima/us, the Center, and the Self) 

- Qualities of The Self (How it’s like to be Individuated?) 

- How to Start the Individuation Process 


This podcast is produced by Aion Farvahar, who is a Life and Spirituality Mentor, and a Psychoshamanic and IFS Self-Leadership Practitioner. For more information about Aion Farvahar or Celestial Twin Life Mentorship visit:

- Celestial Twin Website (

- About Aion Farvahar (

- Celestial Twin YouTube Channel (


Reference Links:

- Soul Loss and Retrieval (

- A Guide to Inner Work ( 

- Heat Chakra (

- Finding Your Soul (

- Jung's Red Book (


Background Music:

CC-BY by Artist: Meydän, Track: Away, 

Artist's Website (  



The ideas presented here are based on personal perspectives, experience, or research, and are not meant to reflect any scientific or academic argument. No part of this podcasts may be reproduced or used without written permission from Celestial Twin Life Mentorship or Aion Farvahar ( Use of brief quotations is permitted, if providing a clear attribution and link to the original post. 
