Your table is ready! Tasty snack Amiel Stanek, editor at Bon Appetit, joins us for a three-course meal as we dive into cuisine queen Ruth Reichl and her delicious memoir, “Save Me the Plums.” A salacious journey through her time editing Gourmet magazine until Condé shuttered it for good, we talk industry gossip, the Condé cafeteria, Lily’s stint cleaning the Saveur test kitchens, 9/11 chili, picky eaters, white girls at the chinese restaurant, homophobic guests, Eileen Fisher, and whomst will speak up for mascarpone? Check, please.


PLUS! In the VIP Lounge this Friday—Amiel unloads uncensored dirt on Bon Appetit/Conde Nast drama, the worst restaurant on the 50 best restaurants list, and Lily & Steven review their turkeys.


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