WALKING WITH JESUS: Jesus and the Father
Pastor Kent Landhuis

THEME - Whatever good we do is the work of God through us..
TEXT - John 17:1-11

Focus verse: "Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one." ~ John 17:11b

HS… Holy Spirit dependence.
P… Prayerful guidance.
O… Obedient living.
W… Word-centered hearts.
E… Exalting the Father in everything.
R… Relational intentionality.

1. The Father Sustains All Things.
"Protect them by the power of your name…"
* Genesis 49-50
* Psalm 121
* Romans 8:28-35
* Luke 13:1-8

2. The Father Shares His Authority.
" …the name you gave me…"
* Psalm 135:6
* Job 42:2
* John 15:5
* Luke 10:1-24

3. The Father Unites All Followers.
"...so that they may be one as we are one."
* Psalm 133:1
* John 13:35
* Ephesians 4:1-6
* John 17

* Surrender
* Worship
* Serve