WALKING WITH JESUS: Jesus and Scripture
Gary Sager

THEME - Jesus is our model—we need to know His view of Scripture
TEXT - Matthew 5:17-20

1. Walk With Jesus: Review

Holy Spirit Dependence is:
* P.rayerful Guidance
* O.bedient Living
* W.ord-Centered/Scripture
* E.xalting the Father
* R.elational Intentionality

2. Jesus believed the Scriptures point to Him. 
* Luke 4:22 - He began by saying to them, “Today as you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled.”
* John 5:30 - You pour over the Scriptures because you think you have eternal life in them, and yet they testify about me.
* Luke 24:27 - Then beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He interpreted for them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.

3. Jesus believed the Scriptures were perfect and true and they are to be obeyed and taught.
* John 10:35 Scripture can’t be broken
* John 17:17 Your Word is Truth
* John 14:15 If you Love me, keep my commands
* John 15:10 remain in love by keeping commandments
* Matthew 4:1-11 – Fight Satan’s schemes with Biblical truth.
* Matthew 5:20 – Corrects Pharisees and Scribes

4. Jesus believed the Scriptures focus on the heart and spirit of the law.
* Matthew 5:21-28
* Matthew 23:1-36
Spirit/heart rather than letter.
Internal rather than external
Important Matters rather than Minor Points
Character rather than Commands 

* Pray continually for Holy Spirit’s guidance.
* Read, study, and memorize as the Psalmist says “Hide it in your heart” (Psalm 119:11)
* Read Scripture together.

