In our pre-Thanksgiving episode, Col talks with Dani from C-BODY who just got back from Vegas after attending,the largest and most successful vape and CBD show in the United States. She worked the Ignite Booth, anticipating the arrival of Dan Bilzerian - and trying out Ignite’s new edible CBD products. Also in attendance were Mike Tyson and Dennis Rodman and their respective entourages. Later we unbox a giant box of cbdMD products and try them all out, including the DOG tincture! Our CBD Guru Akash returns from a month in India to tell us about the Maha Shivaratri, a Hindu holiday where cannabis is legal (for one day) so people can make a milky canna-drink called “Bhang,” because the god Shiva partakes. Cannabidiet Chef, Ryan talks about the winter CBD infused recipe book we are launching in December, and tips to making a CBD infused Turkey Gravy.