The Founders Of Reformed Apologetics
We complete our journey of the giants of presuppositionalism and the roots by looking at the biggest founders of Reformed apologetics that are known today. Abraham Kyper establishes the possibility of certainty of faith. Herman Dooyeweerd develops transcendental apologetics. Cornelius Van Til cements presuppositionalism. Gordon Clark takes the strand away from VanTil with deductive presuppositionalism. Finally, we get to a living person with Alvin Plantinga and his warrant for Christian belief.
00:00 - Introduction
02:15 - Abraham Kuyper - Dutch Presuppositionalism & Certainty Of Faith
10:00 - Kuyper On Unbelievers' Beliefs
13:43 - Herman Dooyeweerd Developed Transcendental Apologetics
19:31 - Cornelius Van Til - Father Of Presuppositionalism
22:31 - Van Til's Apologetic Approach
24:20 - Gordon Clark - Deductive Presuppositionalism
27:49 - Alvin Plantinga - Showing Christianity Is Ok To Believe In
35:47 - Warranted Christian Belief & Defeating The Defeaters
41:48 - Presuppositionalists Giants Standing On Their Shoulders
45:03 - Conclusion


Faith Has Its Reasons By Kenneth Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr.


The Founders Of Reformed Apologetics

We complete our journey of the giants of presuppositionalism and the roots by looking at the biggest founders of Reformed apologetics that are known today. Abraham Kyper establishes the possibility of certainty of faith. Herman Dooyeweerd develops transcendental apologetics. Cornelius Van Til cements presuppositionalism. Gordon Clark takes the strand away from VanTil with deductive presuppositionalism. Finally, we get to a living person with Alvin Plantinga and his warrant for Christian belief.


00:00 – Introduction

02:15 – Abraham Kuyper – Dutch Presuppositionalism & Certainty Of Faith

10:00 – Kuyper On Unbelievers’ Beliefs

13:43 – Herman Dooyeweerd Developed Transcendental Apologetics

19:31 – Cornelius Van Til – Father Of Presuppositionalism

22:31 – Van Til’s Apologetic Approach

24:20 – Gordon Clark – Deductive Presuppositionalism

27:49 – Alvin Plantinga – Showing Christianity Is Ok To Believe In

35:47 – Warranted Christian Belief & Defeating The Defeaters

41:48 – Presuppositionalists Giants Standing On Their Shoulders

45:03 – Conclusion


Faith Has Its Reasons By Kenneth Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr.


