Apologists Who Emphasize Revelation
After covering a couple of apologetic methods that are very similar, are there any that are really that different? Well, entering into the ring is Reformed Apologetics aka Presuppositionalism. Over the next four episodes, we'll cover this one pretty extensively. First of all, well because we like it and are proponents of it. Second, because of how often misunderstood it is and the need to clarify is still needed. Those covered today are John Calvin, Thomas Reed, and Charles Hodge.
00:00 - Introduction
03:04 - Clarification On The Book & Video Content
05:24 - Overview Of Reformed Apologetics Presuppositionalism
07:47 - John Calvin's Apologetic
12:27 - The Noetic Effects Of Sin In Apologetics
15:19 - Humanity Is Without Excuse For Unbelief
20:20 - Theistic Proofs Are Of Marginal Value
22:07 - Two Uses Of Theistic Arguments For Calvin
24:19 - Modern Roots Of The Reformed Apologetics Movement
24:54 - Thomas Reed & Common Sense Reformed Apologetics
33:30 - Charles Hodge & Presupposing Fact Finders
40:45 - Proper Role Of Reason For Hodge
41:56 - Conclusion


Faith Has Its Reasons By Kenneth Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr.


Apologists Who Emphasize Revelation

After covering a couple of apologetic methods that are very similar, are there any that are really that different? Well, entering into the ring is Reformed Apologetics aka Presuppositionalism. Over the next four episodes, we’ll cover this one pretty extensively. First of all, well because we like it and are proponents of it. Second, because of how often misunderstood it is and the need to clarify is still needed. Those covered today are John Calvin, Thomas Reed, and Charles Hodge.


00:00 – Introduction

03:04 – Clarification On The Book & Video Content

05:24 – Overview Of Reformed Apologetics Presuppositionalism

07:47 – John Calvin’s Apologetic

12:27 – The Noetic Effects Of Sin In Apologetics

15:19 – Humanity Is Without Excuse For Unbelief

20:20 – Theistic Proofs Are Of Marginal Value

22:07 – Two Uses Of Theistic Arguments For Calvin

24:19 – Modern Roots Of The Reformed Apologetics Movement

24:54 – Thomas Reed & Common Sense Reformed Apologetics

33:30 – Charles Hodge & Presupposing Fact Finders

40:45 – Proper Role Of Reason For Hodge

41:56 – Conclusion


Faith Has Its Reasons By Kenneth Boa & Robert M. Bowman Jr.


