Today On Categorical Imperatives we will be discussing the Supreme Court case every leftist loves to hate: Citizens United v Federal Election Commission (2010) 

In my last video I briefed  3 landmark Supreme Court cases dealing with issues of money and speech, including Citizens United. Today I want to go further in exploring this case and it's legacy.

My previous video was part of my “Today in Supreme Court History” Series which means what you got was a purely objective and scholarly explanation of those cases in their background, the facts of the case, the primary holding and the precedent they set. 

Today’s video is meant to be an open letter of sorts to people who think citizens united is a case that ruled corporations are people and money is speech. 

Mentions links and articles: 

Does Money Equal Speech? Episode
Corporations Are People, And They Have More Rights Than You
12 Years After Citizens United, the Supreme Court's Right-Wing Revolution Continues  
Thomas Massie Interview on the REAL money in politics problem
Getting Big Money Out of Politics and Restoring Democracy, Friends of Bernie Sanders
Citizens United v. Federal Election Comm'n, 558 U.S. 310 (2010)
Brief Of The ACLU In Support Of Appellant


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