Aaron is so in tune with the tiny details of life and how they play out in our realities. He was so fascinating to chat with that I threw out just some random questions I'd been pondering in my head and he answered them with poise and an amazing amount of thoughtfulness with each word.  He is dedicating the foreseeable future to the monastic life and I'm excited to see the great things he will do there and with everything he dedicates his energy to like the organization he's starting to get college graduates exposed to the benefits of monastic life!  Truly an amazing conversation every second we shared together.  Listen to us talk about: 

Practicing TM in Asia at 20 years old Rowing and how it showed him a different experience of his mind + body How Ashtanga got him more into a sitting practice  Influential teachers in his life How he chose to begin living the monastic life  The benefits he’s received in the monasteries he’s lived in How he views suffering and deals with it Inspiration for Dharma Gates and how it was inspired from his own experience after college How Meditation can give you the power of discernment

