Cheryl has a contagious energy and speaks from her heart while she talks intensely about her struggles with anxiety.  She's had a long career as a musician and she has a competitive drive that helped when she added meditation to her self-care routine.  She's now over 600 days in to her practice and isn't looking back.  We covered a lot of topics including:

10 years of anxiety attacks that led to her looking into meditation Her feelings against meditation originally Tracking her happiness and life factors for a year  How she experiences panic attacks now being over 600 days into her meditation How she discovered her effective self care practices Writing sad music as a child and how she believes it helped her be a happy person Keys to expressing your true self What her meditation practice looks like  Discoveries she’s had about herself through meditation Why meditation is so important to her Where her practice shows up the most in her life How music has influenced her practice and vice versa Creating her recent Luminary album in a desolate town in Greece What she values in the production of her music She shares with us one of the tracks from her new album that she added positive affirmations to!

 New Album "Luminary"

Cheryls Website