Devon and Craig Hase are such genuine people and speak about the deep topics of Buddhist Dharma in a very accessible way.  They spread joy through their words and lighthearted nature and have recently published a book, "How Not To Be a Hot Mess" that captures so much of what makes them great to talk to, and offers a practical guide to living in today's world.  

Devon's experience of unhappiness in college along with a Pema Chodron book that led her to meditation Craig's chaotic teen years that led him to meditation The difficulty of beginning a meditation practice for Craig Devon going to Spirit Rock in college and having a powerful experience there that made her want to continue diving in How Devon + Craig met  Being married to someone who also practices meditation Their current experience with an "urban" retreat How being on a retreat during the global pandemic is What they love about Dharma practice How their book "How Not To Be a Hot Mess" came to be How the chapters of their books are based on the Buddhist precepts but with a more modern approach Why some people (myself as an example) turn to drugs and alcohol in our teen and early 20's Finding clarity in your life How they find the lighthearted moments of life Tips on applying How Not To Be a Hot Mess to the current global pandemic