In this episode we look at the "family" game Horrified, and then we discuss Dead of Winter and traitors in games.

Should we keep cheering for Rob? Tweet us @catch222gaming

Roll Player


Which do you prefer, Sagrada or Roll Player?  Tweet us @catch222gaming

Wingspan Oceania Expansion

Follow Elizabeth Hargrave: @elizhargrave

5:35 - Rob rates Wingspan giving us our first 6666 rated game thus further complicating the most ridiculously complicated rating system in all of board gaming.


Are you going to order Heroquest? Tweet us @catch222gaming




Who are the Universal Monsters?

We're trying to always do better with our language.  What are the most appropriate ways to talk about persons with disabilities? Let us know: @catch222gaming

Ratings for Horrified:

Rob - 22

Adam - 22

Kyle - 22

24:00 - Kyle gives a subpar overview of Dead for Winter.  Trust us when we say Dead of Winter is so much deeper than Kyle let on.

Dead of Winter

Shaun of the Dead

We would recommend you not have a traitor in Dead of Winter your first go round.  We didn't have a traitor the first time we played without Adam, but we weren't as kind to him.

The Walking Dead

32:26 - The hosts start "Going Deeper" (We did have some internet connectivity issues on our Zoom call.  Sorry for the choppiness.  Thanks to Adam for an awesome job editing.)

What do you think about traitor mechanics in games?  Let us know: @catch2222gaming

Schindler's List

Atlas Shrugged - Book

If you don't know Rob is a graduate of the United States Military Academy West Point and served in Iraq.  Send Rob a thank you note for Veterans' Day coming up: @catch2222gaming

Martin Luther

John Calvin

Huldrych Zwingli

(Note: We don't necessarily endorse all of the above theologians' positions. In fact, we would disagree with several of their positions.)

Vatican II

Benedict Arnold (We mentioned him earlier too.)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Coyote America - Book

(We do not take the position that coyotes are traitors.  Sorry coyotes, we really do love you, except when you eat cute little family pets.)

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Twitter - @catch2222gaming

Instagram - @catch2222gaming

Hosts - Adam, Kyle, Rob

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