In today's episode we continue #septrainber by diving into Ticket to Ride: London.  It's not just London though, it's 70's London Baby!

Liberation by Button Shy Games

Travis D. Hill - Our Innermost Thoughts


Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion


Ticket to Ride: London

Ticket to Ride

Littlewars TV


Ticket to Ride: New York

You should totally Google a map of London, unless you live in London, in which case, we're sorry that we're ignorant of your city. We shouldn't be, because we really, really want to go there, and Kyle was going to this summer, but COVID.  Stupid COVID.

Ticket to Ride: Amsterdam

The actual theme of Ticket to Ride: London is 1970's London.  Adam said 1960's, because he's young and the 60's and 70's all blur into one for him.  Wait, Kyle's that young too.  Yeah, we're both confused.

John Company - Is one of the most amazing games we've played in a long time.  It is not a game for new people in the hobby, but when you've gotten your toes wet...oh, boy, is it an amazing experience.  Cole Wehrle is an incredible designer.  Check out his games at Leder Games and on his own imprint Wehrlegig Games.

Ticket to Ride: London Scoring:

Adam - 222, Kyle - 222

Make sure to check out the Kyle Watches Movies Podcast.

Questions for you:

What is your favorite mode of transportation?  (Adam's answer is simply incorrect.)

If you had a ticket to ride anywhere, where would you go? (The answer is London.)

Connect with us:

Twitter: @catch2222gaming

Instagram: @catch2222gaming

YouTube: Catch2222 Gaming

Thanks for listening, and extra points if you read the show notes.

Hosts: Adam, Kyle




Twitter Mentions