EdCorner from ~10mins!

What's higher yield than heart failure, strokes and COPD? Not much, but community-acquired pneumonia is up there and something you'll no doubt treat countless times in the future!

Listen as Sach and Huy D.E.A.D.M.A.N their way thought C.A.P using S.M.A.R.T.C.O.P with G.Ts and some good ol fashioned B.A.N.T.E.R!

AMSS catch-up will shoutout some special members, give some quick updates and showcase a candid and ever-wise Dr Grace Goodwin as she discusses her experiences and lessons from refugee healthcare!

Tip-top Resources for your perusal!

SA Health CAP Guidelines - Runs through SMARTCOP and the specific drugs used in SA
ETG Guidelines. This article explains the principles of antibiotic choice really well