Today, we’re back with Sales Leader, Chris Ross. If you missed the last episode, Chris talked about his winning mentality. He’s worked for more than 60 agencies have retained his organization to develop and teach sales at the highest level. Today, we’re talking about Chris’s methodology and techniques that can take a sales team to the next level. 


Chris is in the process of expanding his organization, Winject. This endeavor has spearheads teaching companies and corporations on his methodology and aligning his sales process to increase sales numbers to astronomical transformation. His success as a salesperson is transferred into any industry--but he reminds us what he mentioned last week; you need to prove that you’re in for the long-haul. To see success, you have to approach with intention. 


Adopting the Winject approach often happens for people on their own. If it doesn’t, that person probably shouldn’t be in a leadership position. You can understand how to persuade people, but if you’re manipulating to make decisions, what’s the point? If a person isn’t right for the Winject program, Chris will let you know. If you don’t like lemons, you wouldn’t want to be sold a lemon popsicle. 


There are two very important words to remember: “get” and “yet.” These powerful words shift the mentality--you don’t “have” to do your job, you “get” to. And if you’re failing, it pivots you into the headspace of “I haven’t found the right way, yet.” It’s about the process, the pursuit, not the goal. Anthony and Chris talk about the needed level of authenticity that scripts don’t bring. The number one problem is they force a conversation and give people an excuse for lack of preparation. 


When Chris comes into an organization to help train them and get them in a winning mentality, he often sees that salespeople rely on the product selling itself and don’t actually possess any applicable sales skills.  First, he listens to a few of the calls representatives make. If they aren’t already listening to their own calls because it takes too much time, then he knows he needs to address where they are spending their time instead. Every successful person, salesperson or not, puts in the time to make a game-plan. You need to know so much about the call that you know what the client wants without them telling you. Don’t disrespect the customer or their time by repeating information. 


During a pre-call analysis, there is some important information to extract before the appointment itself. The first thing is getting solid on what outcome you are looking for. Are you looking to secure a second call? A sale? Or are you trying to connect with them? Know who they are and what they’re about. Control the first meeting or conversation by controlling the pivot points: there’s the introduction, the discovery, then tie the emotional and logical sides. Once you do that, there is a next point of action. During the end of the first call, thanking the customer for their time and explaining how they, as a customer, can maximize their relationship with you. Giving them “assignments” that breaks down what they got out of the call so there is complete transparency. Let them know that you care about their future and the future of your relationship with them by learning how you can make the biggest impact on their day. Demonstrating that your intentions are pure (and they are) is a massive step in the process of sales. Give customers an opportunity to provide feedback so they feel validated for giving you their time.