Welcome back to the Catapulting Commissions podcast with your host, Anthony Garcia. We have another incredible guest on the show today. Here with us is Dr. Shahab Anari. Shahab Anari, MD, CPC helps business professionals become a well-known highly-paid authority in their field. He provides his audience with a complete road map (based on his unique 3 C's methodology) and the necessary platforms (best-selling book deals, speaking opportunities at his events, and media features) that they can use to grow their business and make more impact.


Shahab has many feathers in his cap. More than twenty years ago, he came first in the nationwide University Entrance Exam in Iran among more than one million contenders. He then finished medical school and graduated as a general practitioner, but due to his prominent academic success, he decided to pursue his career as a trainer/coach. The journey of entrepreneurship is filled is barriers to success. As someone who has faced unbelievable challenges, Dr. Anari knows the importance of resilience. It means striving through adversity -- something absolutely necessary in sales. If you’re able to change the way you talk to yourself, eventually your actions will change and will offer better results.


When Dr. Anari started his business, he did it out of passion. He started helping and coaching students through course work, which lead to him helping those around him. Eventually, he and his wife felt that they had reached a ceiling and moved to Canada to seek new opportunities. What allowed him to build a brand from the ground up was his uniqueness -- something he says is universal for anyone establishing a personal brand. Often times we discount our expertise, our culture, our background. But even then, there are walls that we all hit. But he leaned into his uniqueness and resilience. He knew that he had done it in the past and he could do it again. When he became humble with himself and went back to basics he found his business starting to grow. Becoming a student is a good way to break through the wall.


There was a point where Dr. Anari realized the goals he had were constant, but the way he was getting there was flexible. He was faced with two choices: make it work, or go home. There is no “Goal B”, there’s only “Goal A.”


The key to becoming that 1% in your field, according to Dr. Anari, is your branding. What differentiates you from other people doing the same thing? It doesn’t matter what you sell -- what matters is your personal brand. He breaks down “Unique Promise of Value”. What’s unique about you that makes you stand out from the crowd? What’s the promise you’re making that you can deliver on? How much value can you deliver?


When you’ve established a mental resilience that is necessary when putting yourself out there, it’s important to remember that personal branding and sales are a marathon, not a sprint. It isn’t a constant stream lead generation, it’s relationship building. It can take 1-3 years for someone to create a prominent personal brand.

Anthony and Dr. Anari shift to speaking engagements. To break into that world and drive branding, one part is being clear on your message. You have to be an expert in what you’ll be speaking about. The second part is being engaging on stage--that can take some practice. Once you’re ready to hit the stage and have found an opportunity to speak, then you can instantly be considered an authority in your field. When you get that credibility, 50% of the resistance on your prospect is gone--they already view you an expert.


A key part of this process is the practice that you have to work through before becoming a confident speaker. Dr. Anari suggests practicing in front of the mirror or your family. Alternatively, find a ToastMasters club. This group is all about public speaking and leadership. It helps you get in front of a non-judgemental crowd that will give you consistent, gradual feedback. Once you hone your skills, you’ll find your progress is incredible.


There are two ways to do anything: you can do it on your own, or invest in someone or an organization to help you through it. When you have pain in your knee, you can look online and diagnose and treat yourself, or you can go to a doctor. It’s the same way for public speaking: you can produce your own event and build your way up, or invest in an existing platform that provides the opportunity to share the stage with big-name speakers. Both work and both can (and should) be done at the same time!


Be sure to tune in to hear Dr. Anari’s top tips on how to build a personal brand at the end of the episode!


What you’ll learn

On today’s show, Dr. Anari shares with us how we can effectively build and establish a personal brand through public speaking and putting ourselves out there. He breaks down how to become the top 1% in your field and become the authority in what you’re passionate about.




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