Chad Muncy began his entrepreneurial journey at 12 years old when he and his brother Cliff sold car washes around their neighborhood and started a mobile auto washing service called Sud Bucket. Chad quickly learned that his passion wasn’t in washing cars, instead, he loved talking to people and making a sale. In high school, Chad learned as much about entrepreneurship and business as he could. Even though Chad had a mindset of making a life for himself as a business owner, upon graduating high school he gave into the constant statements and voices around him saying, “You need to go to school for something.” Chad decided to go to Basic Law Enforcement Training in his early twenties so that he could start a “career”. After graduating at the top of his class, he made a tough decision...not to pursue law enforcement. He still hadn’t found his true passion.

Chad successfully built a small music business over the next few years that involved recording and marketing new independent artists. He eventually moved into a state-of-the-art building and found a partner to take it to the next level. After several years of doing this on his own and providing for his new family, he quickly learned that a partnership wouldn’t work and this new venture and partnership eventually failed.

Chad started his marketing career in 2009. He worked his way up, learning as he went until he became the Marketing Director for a statewide communications company in NC. He worked as a Marketing Director for 4 years before eliminating the fear of going out on his own. One day he decided to take a leap of faith and started his first business. After several years of steady growth, he successfully sold it in 2019. Chad and his family moved to the coast of NC so that he could build an even more passion and people-driven business to help others elevate their businesses. Postin Social was born out of the strong passion that Chad developed for building his organization through strategic, online marketing and strong, community relationships. His passion is helping others build their businesses, achieve success, and share their stories. Chad started and continues to host the podcast, Business Story where he helps other people tell their motivational journeys to entrepreneurs and success-minded people all over the world.

Instagram @businessstorypodcast

to reach the host:

[email protected]

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